f you are thinking about a master bathroom remodel, consider these suggestions for a more spa-like luxurious bath. You might even think ahead about the needs of aging and make some changes with that in mind.
1. Place plywood behind the shower and by toilet rooms so that grab bars can be added at a later date.
2. Raise the heights of the countertops to 36″ and the toilets to the new “comfort height” of 17-19″.
3. Radiant heated mats under tile floors help with comfort for older, aging feet.
4. Add double vanities for more space.
5. Dual shower heads for a more spa-like feeling to the shower.
6. Consider removing the old oversized tub and increasing the size of the shower.
7. Sound systems.
8. Granite, quartz or recycled glass for countertops
9. recirculating hot water pumps
10. more efficient storage options-with electrical outlets hidden in cabinets or drawers
11. Steam units in the shower and aromatherapy
Take a look at these suggestions and call Total Renaissance to help with your bathroom remodeling project!
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