It is that time of the year when many of us decide it is time to clean up both inside and outside of our homes. Since the winter months are over, we are putting away the cold weather clothing, changing heavy blankets for lighter ones and even changing the types of foods we eat and activities that we like to do. This is the time of year when the weather gets warmer and daylight is longer. What a great time to do some Spring Cleaning!
Spring Cleaning does not have to be the horrible chore that we used to know as kids. It can actually be a time to un-clutter the home and make space that we did not know we have.
Spring cleaning and de-cluttering consists of an easy process; get 4 boxes and label them: Trash, Give away/sell, For storage and Put Away. Walk through each area of your home with these 4 boxes in mind.
You will feel so good about the changes that you make, that it might be a good idea to go through this process more often than just once a year!
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