Nearly everyone today knows that protecting our environment around us also helps protect the precious resources of our planet. Many of us drive cars with higher gas mileage and less emissions, use environemtally friendly products at home, use LED light bulbs and many of us have started recycling.

If you have started doing recycling with the help of your city garbage services, that is a great start! Cities today accept glass bottles, aluminum, plastic and paper in crates that you can leave with your weekly trash pick up. You might even take this to the dump yourself, where many cities allow you to drop off recyclables in individual bins; you may pay no fee or a nominal one for doing this in your city of residence.

There are many other ways that you can enhance the recycling that you already do. Hazardous materials and products like paint, fluorescent bulbs, household cleaners with the words “poison” or “danger” need to be disposed of in a particular way.  Your county will have special disposal sites for all of these items. They cannot be discarded in your regular trash or recycling pick ups so check at your county’s Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off site.

Did you know that food and yard waste accounts for about 11% of the garbage thrown away in many areas? That’s over 2 lbs per person per week! Many people are opting to start an outdoor compost pile for depositing certain food waste and the leaves and trimmings from the yard. This pile of materials will become a soil additive that you can use in your lawn and garden. Great and simple way to do more, recycling!


Check out many Recycling sites on the internet.  I like: